Internal medicine, Budapest, XIII. kerület 15 clinic (323 Internist, 276 Gastroenterologist, 276 Dietetic, 280 Cardiologist, 272 Nephrologist, 276 Oncologist, 275 Pulmonologist, 272 Diabetologist)
Description, questionsPulmonology, Lung Specialist Medical Study, Budapest, XIII. kerület
The pulmonology and respiratory medicine specializing in dealing with diseases of the respiratory medicine.
Endocrinological Examination, Budapest, XIII. kerület
Endocrinology special branch of internal medicine that deals with diseases of the endocrine glands. The endocrine system is the most important task of regulating physiological processes in the body, functioning sex glands, cells of energy metabolism, control of bone metabolism and also help ensure the stability of the internal environment and hormones.
Cardiogram, Budapest, XIII. kerület
During ECG heart we infer the state through the heart's electrical activity. It gathers together called limb and chest electrodes electrical signals in the ECG machine.
Cardiological Test, Budapest, XIII. kerület
The cardiac examination at the patient's physical condition after survey, a review of previous illness, family illness, the ECG is made complaints questioning.
Dietary Advice, Budapest, XIII. kerület
The dietary advice on the one hand serves to maintain health of healthy people, on the other hand is required due to individuals of a disease or medical condition customized nutritional and lifestyle advice.
Doppler, Budapest, XIII. kerület
In Doppler ultrasound examination of the vessels to be examined information obtained Jerold diameter, szűkületekről possible, which may cause deposits or optionally with a blood clot in the artery wall. Data flow anomalies can also be obtained. It is possible to examine blood vessels running in the extremities, as well as running the abdomen and neck blood vessels Doppler ultrasound is often tested with.
Laboratory Tests, Budapest, XIII. kerület
Physical examination examining the internal organs internist general condition of the patient fed. Observing the skin, mucous membranes visible color, probe the thyroid, lymph nodes. Taps and examine the chest, lungs, heart auscultation, probe the peripheral arteries, carotid artery and viewing of varicose veins. Blood pressure measurement. It shall include palpation of the abdomen, where the liver, spleen tact viysgalja abdomen sensitivity.
Diabetes Medical Examination, Budapest, XIII. kerület
Complete physical examination: body weight, BMI, and waist, peripheral vascular testing, vibration testing to assess neurological damage. Fasting glucose, a detailed history taking, discount drugs, family medical history, assessment of nutritional and lifestyle habits.
Blood Sugar Test, Budapest, XIII. kerület
Determining the level of glucose in the blood (glucose). Recognizable with diabetes (diabetes mellitus) and checked her blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Blood glucose levels can be measured at any time of the day, but if it happens in non-fasting blood test, the result was influenced by the consumed without food, beverages and physical activity.
Immunological Test, Budapest, XIII. kerület
It occurs in some instances that the immune system turns against the body's own host (host), and antibodies against certain organs, cellular components, compounds, hormones. The test consists bleeds, and carrying out appropriate laboratory screening tests. Positive cases, additional laboratory tests to help refine diagnosis.